Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Eyes to the Sky

It is my day off and I need to clean my closet out. I am procrastinating of course, but I have also procrastinated on making this blog post. So I guess the two cancel each other out.

It is often times noted by designers that the ceiling is an overlooked surface. I tend to agree. While not all spaces call for attention to the ceiling, for some spaces amping up the ceiling finish can really make all the difference in the room.

It was duly noted by me while on my recent trip to Istanbul, that they did not overlook the ceilings when building the mosques there hundreds of years ago. Every place I went I was amazed when I simply looked up.

 The Hagia Sophia ceiling

Second floor ceiling of Hagia Sophia

I love this photo. Taken from the 2nd floor of the Hagia Sophia you get a perspective on how huge and impressive the mosque is. Also I love how all the chandeliers below look like they are floating. 

  Sultan Ahmed Mosque, better know as The Blue Mosque

 Blue Mosque

Not a ceiling, but this photo of the Blue Mosque at night is pretty and I wanted to share. 

 This is one of my favorites. It was inside of a less popular mosque near the Blue Mosque and I did not record the name unfortunately. 

 Same mosque as the one above.

Pera Palace Hotel

Pera Palace Hotel

Translate this into modern day design and what do you get? 

Painted ceilings...

Wallpapered ceilings...

Fancy molding on ceilings...

Be creative and tell me, what will you do with your ceilings?

All Istanbul images are my own, the last 3 photos are from Better Homes & Gardens and Houzz. 

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